More About Noah Pangea

At the University of Michigan, I studied kinesiology and chose to take courses that concentrated on human optimization in physiology and wellness. Over time, I strengthened my expertise and gained an in-depth comprehension of hormone control and manipulation through knowledge gained from courses, personal lifestyle, and working with Professor Victor Katch for nutritional management, specifically macronutrient manipulation

Following this, I continued to use my previous experiences and knowledge to start a job as a Kinesiologist and NSCA specialized trainer to launch a weight management program for an already established group of Endocrinologists; fortunately, the program was a success

In addition to working at weight management clinics, I continued my quest revolving around what I then saw as self-perfection. Nowadays, we refer to it as self-authenticity, but for now, let's stick to self-perfection. Eventually, I felt compelled to seek out a humanistic psychologist to work with, which allowed me to deepen my work and learn to be aware

The experience led me to move away from the idea that being overweight and stressed were health problems. Instead, I began to question why and where these issues stem from and what their root causes might be. While I understood that cortisol was a contributor, the psychologist and I delved deeper into alternative medicine, such as ancient healing techniques and Western herbalism, to find ways to help people feel better

I found that the awareness I gained from alternative medicine did not contradict my Western studies but instead broadened my mindset on healing and self-growth. The concept that struck me was that when something is out of balance, everything will be out of balance as it is in a state of compensation—leading me to realize that individuals should strive for balance in all areas of their lives and maintain that balance.

Though it sounds like common sense, questions arise such as 'How, why, and where are we out of balance?' and 'How do we rebalance and maintain that balance?' As humans in the modern world, we are constantly dealing with high levels of stress due to our lack of self-awareness, which affects our emotional regulation and can lead to neurological regeneration as our stress levels drop. This led to the creation of Project Pangea, a self-rooted program established to perpetuate and teach a sense of awareness



University of Michigan Kinesiology (focus on physiology)

NSCA Personal Training


Nutrition and Sports Nutrition

Humanistic Psychology Relational Psychology and the Art of Connection (Polarity Based)

Western Herbalism

Alternate healing arts


Rochester Endocrinology: Weight Management/Nutritional consultant

My Life Wellness: Manager/Head Lifestyle Consultant

Heartfelt Healing Center: Owner/Head Consultant